Monday, April 2, 2007

Peace Movement? What Peace Movement?

I started my theoretical work on 'world peace' in 1980 (when I was 18). By 1983, I had written a few hundred thousand words generally related to some of our global problems and issues. Although I did not consider my writings to be ready for publication, I was convinced that they were worthy of the attention of all 'peace activists' throughout the world. I traveled to Paris and London in August 1983, on a very short tourist visa. I tried to contact a few anti-war activists and members of CND and END. I corresponded with E. P. Thompson, but was unable to meet him face to face.

Ever since 1980, my commitment to 'peace and justice' has been unwavering. I came to the US in 1988, hoping to make some waves here.


To this day, I do not see a 'peace movement' in the US. An 'anti-war' movement would presumably require a commonly-held and clearly-articulated set of values that oppose any war. Sadly, I do not believe that a 'movement' for this exists in the US. There is not even a (strong enough) movement for disarmament. Instead, we have an 'anti-this-war' movement. If this movement has any 'leaders' to speak of, they should realize that their record has been pathetic.

Some of my posts on this blog site are intended to offer some constructive criticism to my peace-loving contemporaries.

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